Originally Posted by kaos
ya im on no2chems wm6.1 it launched activesync instantly....locking phone...even after a soft reset it freezes on startup..completely unresponsive...unchecking that fixes it...Like i said i had it happen 3 times on 3 hard resets after checking that box...was only program installed last 2 times.....thats how i fixed it...it still launches as well....just youhave to tap to open then on initial start...
even with it checked on mine i still have to tap to launch. it's kind of annoying becuase theres a little delay when i turn it on too. i use htc home as the first tab and i like to see it immediately.
i also have a problem runnin spb pocket plus 4 as a tab. every once in a while my icons get switched around, or they don't all appear. i tried locking all icons and whatnot, but it still happens.