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Old 01-24-2011, 09:11 PM
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Re: 1-16-11-Updated★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Aight, so here's:

A quick few notes about this one:

1) The classic blue theme is added back into this one. For the moment both it and my theme are both undeletable. I'm working on it.

2) Replaced the pimstore.dll from a different and that's supposed to fix the Contacts syncing issue. Let me know if it does or not.

3) New default wallpaper.

4) Replaced lockscreen files to fix the carrier name showing in the top taskbar. Let me know if you run into any lockscreen related issues.

And of course, let me know how this one compares as far as battery life for those of you that were having less that great battery life on v3.0.

A 2315X something or other will be up a little bit later...
downloading now!!

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