Originally Posted by puff601
hey teradog. I see that you asked me to explain problems with swype a few pages back. I was having freezing issues wit every swype cab. seemed that if something else was hogging all the memory swype would freeze the whole phone until it was done. that was before I noticed nrg had began to cook swype in as I ideally drop swype in uc folder. well nrg's cooked in version doesn't seem to have any of the weird issues ive experienced previously. what version of swype is this? I typed this using swype, works great, no lag freezing or anything and in trying my best to make it freeze 
Originally Posted by alalor
I have a different result than Puff, if I choose Swype as my keyboard, it just bogs down the phone just like the ones I install (2.0 and 3.9). It makes it especially slow when you open the keyboard, the screen takes forever to redraw horizontally and start reading my keystrokes. But it slows down the phone in general for everything.
Originally Posted by alalor
I did not try to use swype with the keyboard out. I had Swype selected as default keyboard. I had to answer an email and decided to use the hardware keyboard, Swype had not popped up, I opened the keyboard and the phone froze for a few minutes. It freezes other times too. It doesn't get along with my phone. I just don't use it any more. If I ever get a phone without a hardware keyboard, I will probably use it.
I don't know what options you all have set... but do you have it so the SIP is auto deployed on an input field? eg, in the Advanced Settings GUI, I think its usually disabled by default in NRGZ ROMs for some time now. The few times I was playing around and enabled it, that caused me some grief.
However, I have a few users that love using swype for their primary SIP. None have ever complained about any major slow downs when the swype keyboard is deployed to the screen. If there was any significant pause I would be hearing earfuls from them. We pretty relied on the ROMs where NRGZ had whatever version he baked in. I know there was a period he did not, and I had to install one of the cabs from the paperclip (swype3.9.5032.cab) that a fellow ppcg member posted some time back. No issues with it from what I remember.