Re: Does Sprint want the iPhone? Their actions make it seem like so!
If Sprint is smart they will wait and get the iPhone 5 and let VZW and AT&T stick with the iPhone and all its problems. I dont think I would switch to an iPhone. I am considering switching to a Windows 7 or the next Palm device as a Bday gift to myself since its coming up. I like that "hackablity" of WebOS and Android. Loving Android after leaving the Palm Pre. Glad to have a memory card back. I'd rather pay $200-400 for a phone and get a bigger memory card then pay way more to get an iPhone with 32GB of storage. Apple and got to get on board with allowing memory cards. But they wont because they are forcing people to buy larger storage iPhones.
Phone History (last 2yrs or less): Sanyo5500>Sanyo8300>SamsungA920>Moto i930>Moto i870>Moto Q>The Mogul & a iC902> Touch Pro & iC902>Touch Pro and a Palm Pre> just a Pre for now>>HTC EVO (white)!
