Originally Posted by Fat Tony
Guys, no offence but this Rom in particular deserves a better splash/boot up/thingy. That looks incredibly generic.
I think it should go something along the android thingy, but firey like OMJ's photo. And it should have sunglasses with better fonts for OMJ.
OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK......
Use this forum's background, the medium blue with bubbles, then have the android on fire with sunglasses and use the regular plain old android letters for OMJ 4.5 then have it boot up with AMERICA! FREAK YEAH! (GUITAR CHORDS!)
That is all beyond me. I can do vector graphics, but not much else at this point.
I'll try again though.
Why don't you take a crack at it? (and that is a kind invitation, not a challenge.)