I very humbly submit this. I've never made one before, but after reading up on XDA this *should* work. If it does, thanks to Vboyz and WRX4meMP on XDA.
It is nothing fancy, but should look clean.
I am at work and don't have the wherewithall (read non-disabled computer) to push this to my phone and test it. Who will be my guinne pig?
Here's instructions on how to load it onto your phone, per Vbopz103 on VDA (
link to thread)
1. Having phone fully powered up and plug it into the USB.
2. you should already have ADB installed and working. If so, then to verify your device is connected, do "adb devices" in a command prompt. You should see like "List of attached devices" and right underneath it, you'll se HTCxxxxx listed.
3. If step 2 is good, then do "adb reboot recovery". This will reboot your phone into recovery mode.
4. You will see a red triangle with an exclamation mark, this is when phone is now ready in recovery mode. To verify, go back to command prompt and type "adb devices" and you should see the same thing as in step 2 only difference is it'll say "recovery" next to the device name.
5. Once that is good, go into your evo-recovery folder and run the recovery-XYZ, where XYS is the os type. So for windows you would right-click on the "recovery-windows.bat" and select run as administrator (if you are running in Vista/7).
5. If step 5 runs will you'll see a series of line output, and final line should be "No hup" or something like that. Now look over to your phone, you should see a menu. Do NOT touch anything on the phone.
6. Open up a new command prompt, cd into the android sdk/tools folder, and issue "adb shell". You will drop into your phone shell now and all you will see is "#" sign.
7. Type "mount /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system", you should now see the '#" again.
8. Type "exit", and now you are back into your command prompt like "C:\...>".
9. Type "adb push my_new_animation.zip /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip" {ENTER}. You'll see that your file will be uploaded.
10. To verify, type "adb shell" and you should be back into your phone shell with "#"
11. Type "ls /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip" and you should see the "bootanimation.zip" listed.
12. Now just reboot the phone by typing "reboot" at the "#" prompt.