Originally Posted by PPCFreak
I downloaded the newest 29007 sencity Jan 23rd.
Is there a way to do rom comparison before flashing it to note the differences first?
Originally Posted by teradog
thanks/d ND,... ppc & blun, his twit this morn was to fix freezing issues in 007, said we'd have by eod. thats it for clog
Originally Posted by NinjaDuck
Seeing how changelogs are rather hit and miss... I wrote a quick command line script that extracts the files from the nbh files and does a binary diff, etc etc...
Based on the changes I see from Jan.16 to Jan.23 for the ROM listed above, the only items touched were ROM registry hives. Pretty much I think to fix the lockscreen issue per teradog's post (regarding NRGZ's tweet). Did not dig down into the hive changes to care since no other binaries changed.
Unless a changelog is eventually posted ... I'd probably say you can skip this one if you already have Jan.16 unless NRGZ made major fixes for specific themed ROMs (eg, sencity stuff).