quite honestly reading all the previous posts , i really cannot understand why people complain about something they are getting free!!!

it takes a lot of hard work to make a rom!
To make a quality rom like vins with such few niggles takes even more hard work!

and to top it off vin is not even asking for money...just a couple of thanks and honest feedback on the working of the rom!=D>=D>
i can understand a post on commenting that something is not working... can anyone help? but a post dissing someones hard work is totally uncalled for.
but i guess every forum has a few of those who like to make statements for the sake of making them...at the end of the day i have complete respect for any cook who posts his rom on the forum.
the way i look at it is that these guys are giving my old phone some more juice to run on...and the best part about PPC Geeks is that you are in a ice cream parlour...you have a choice to pick n choose.
if you dont like chocolate try vanilla!!!!! if you dont like new flavors stick to stock....and if you dont like the phone ...change it...always follow the KISS method (Keep It simple stupid)
if you dont like the choclate pieces in your i/c ask nicely...mabe the cook can remove it for ya.or there will be someone who can help...but ask nicely

always helps...
my respect to vin for his work....THANKS VIN and keep em coming
