Re: 1-16-11-Updated★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019
I couldn't tell you good/bad battery life. (on and off the charger work/home at lot plus bought 3 extra cheap amazon batteries for deer season) I just never pay attention. Maybe you guys can tell me since I didn't use my phone much today.
Running 6.5.x, no Co0kie/RSS, ][ Weather, twitter, email set every hr, backlight on auto today, phone dim/off on batt power set on 2/3 minutes, wife's factory EVO battery in today.
Unplugged phone 100% at 11:35 am. (FYI too busy at work so it never got plugged in to charge). Only 1 phone call (bout 10 mins), no texts, used opera mini5 for around 30 mins on lunch and a couple other brief times on break. Got home at 9:30 pm. (10hrs total) battery at 70% even.