01-22-2011, 02:58 PM
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Re: Overclocking made it MORE stable?! Am I crazy?
Originally Posted by creedo
This is probably just a fluke and wishful thinking.
The more I played with my TP2, the more problems I'd have. At the very least I would need to soft reset every day to get my memory back, because it would boot with like 40% memory free and after a few hours be down to 20%. That's a well known issue with winmo 6.5.
When I give it a nice theme and CHT (the way winmo+manila is supposed to look and work) it was sluggish. And apps would unexpectedly close too often.
I'd also get occasional SOD. No biggie, I was gonna soft reset anyway :/
I tried overclocking with msm7 setcpuspeed. Even conservative changes (boosting to 604) caused problems, like 4-5 SOD's per day. So I got rid of it and thought "f!#@$ windows mobile".
Then, for some reason, I tried OCT 1.5 to overclock, since it allowed for finetuning you overclock in ways the other app can't. I followed slinkydoo's settings for it, in the specific OCT thread, going with 2 steps and 748 Mhz (the next step up caused issues).
Now I have it happily running all day and night and no need to reset. I could swear the memory leak is somehow better than before. Like I currently have 64% usage after having it on all day. Normally after 5 hours or so it's up to 80% and I'm starting to think about reset. Everything is snappy, and while I still can't run too much at once, I can keep 2-3 things going smoothly. They don't die when I switch between them.
The weird thing is, with these settings, I get no SOD. You're supposed to get more SOD with overclocking. Actually, I did get one (seemingly)... I pressed the power button at the top several times and the display didn't wake up. Then I slid open the keyboard and popped out the stylus, and it actually woke up. I've NEVER seen that. So I'm not sure if it was even a real SOD. Full disclosure: I did reset after, it was chugging even though it woke up. But at least I had a choice in the matter, and it did still show only 60ish percent used memory.
Anyone else found their phone is suddenly a lot less crappy after overclock?
Where would i go about getting this overclock??? I've been wanting to throw my TP2 in the trash man. Please help me out with this. reply asap. thanks!