Originally Posted by AZTECHKA
For sure... I could have seen the kin and kin2 do well there too... Or even on Cricket... One thing Microsoft has had some trouble with in my opinion... Is identifying their target audience and marketing to it.
They made the kin look like a hipster phone... When it was actually a tween phone.
Parents would have gone for it if they had marketed it better. Kids would have wanted it.
Now with WP7 they are targeting working moms. When they should be targeting their millions of XBOX users. Although... They probably feel that those fools will automatically want it therefore it makes sense to market to those kids' parents.
I don't know... I just cancelled myself out with opposing arguments. But then again I'm no marketing genious.
I guess when you have Billions to spare... The sky is the limit.
wp7 should be the hipster/adult phone imho
not just relatively old people