Originally Posted by dr_gonz0
How's everyone doing hehe, first time posting here. Been an xda regular for a whiles now, did allot of cooking for the t-mo wing and am very familliar with cooking for that device. Recently came up on a verizon tp2... got that bad boy unlocked so I can use my AT&T SIM card on it. I am experiencing the common problem of people in my particular situation with being able to send MMS but not receive. I found xyc's squeaky clean ROM to allow me to receive after having to re-provision to no carrier and re-run the settings cabs for AT&T and then I may be able to receive the MMS.
I guess my question is if I cook a ROM and don't cook in any of the provisioning EXT/OEM's (not sure which category they fall in) would I cause harm to my phone? I thought "maybe I should flash (or cook) a GSM ROM" but I read that is not safe to do. Any information to help me here would be appreciated, I don't want to cook something and end up bricking my phone or being unable to go to a CDMA carrier in the future. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. Thanks...
I'm not too sure about GSM on CDMA. I do know that the provisioning is only settings and do not affect anything otherwise. So flashing with no provisioning at all
is safe.
Sprint provision does contain prl stuff so that wouldn't be a good idea. but you have nothing sprint anyways.
I will help where I can. I did play with the registry alot making cdma proiority. Not sure if it affects MMS settings.