Originally Posted by SubtleAggression
kewl kewl thanks for the info
and im willing to try this out. will go and search for it shortly. unfortunately my world of warcraft addiction has gotten in the way of playing with my phone again tonight lol
Ok, seems i may have a problem. i used task 29 used 2.37WV. it loaded just fine but didnt restart on its own as it said it would. i waited a while just in case but nothing so i manualy restarted it ( it did say complete ) now in the bootloader it wants to flash the same file again ( says splash screen 1 and splash screen 2) but doesnt seem to see the sd card with the new rom on it. its been sitting here on sharkies splash for a while now as i thought it might be doing something i cant see but nothing. any suggestions? i also cant get it to stay in the boot loader screen so it never says USB.