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Old 01-20-2011, 04:00 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.9.2 EXT4 CW3 Redirect 1/19/2011

Originally Posted by sbrown2680 View Post
Okay, in addition to the broken redirector in quickboot I've got an issue that I'm not sure if it has been covered.

Whenever the phone first boots after the 2.9.2 install all of my apps from the market download and install like they are supposed to. However, later I'll go back into the market and check my "installed apps" and they'll all just show up as free and not installed; however, they are definitely installed as they are in the app drawer and will open. I can then reinstall each one of them again and they'll change status in the market. The only problem I have with this is if they aren't showing installed in the market then I won't be notified when there are updates available.

I first had this issue when I just flashed 2.9.2 over 2.9. I figured that something was screwy so I odin'd back to dk28 and followed all the instructions with and I'm still having the issue. I'm just not sure if this is an isolated problem or is anybody else experiencing this as well?
I'm wondering if this might have to do with the method of restoring apps. I had this issue right after restoring my apps with TB, but shortly after everything was showing as installed in the market. Seemed like it might be a syncing issue. Just my thought on it.

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