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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 03:22 AM
austin420's Avatar
lt cmdr of a garbage scow
Location: kansas city mo
Join Date: Dec 2008
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austin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributionsaustin420 should be added to the payroll for their contributions
Mentioned: 30 Post(s)
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Wirelessly posted (The Most EPIC ppc.: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; SPH-D700 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Wait for the announcement. We'll see what's bs and what's not.
Sprint has big plans. They are tgonna match whatever vzw is doing and they are raising prices for a reason.
I for one welcome our new sprint masters. I've always been loyal. I hope for a prime possition.
Edit; I meant overlords.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

Last edited by austin420; 01-20-2011 at 03:27 AM.
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