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Old 01-20-2011, 03:00 AM
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Re: Sprint forcing premium data on ALL SMARTPHONES

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
a one time, $20 option Google Voice now supports incoming number ports | BGR | Boy Genius Report. plenty of ways to make sprint bleed!
I cant lie, on paper that sounds awesome. But something that never sits right with me is how google is always playing the "carrier middle-man" role in all this.

If they want Google Voice to become a national carrier then cool, but if not, dont give me all the quasi-carrier schtick when it's convenient for you.

The original plan for the nexus one was that it be google's first attempt to undermine and infiltrate ALL the major carriers with an unlocked phone running THEIR OS. That was their opp to jump into the game with both feet, but they balked.

Since they balked i'd rather see them let the real carriers be carriers, and for them to fallback with these kinds of moves.

*PS I love android so this is by no means an anti-google post.
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