Wirelessly posted (HTC Evo : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; SPH-P100 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
Originally Posted by tornacl
OR - ... try this please.
Turn off all the cell devices in your house - including the Tab.
Push the reset button on the back of the Air Rave.
Let the Air Rave boot completely back up ( all lights green ).
Now one by one turn the phones and Tab back on.
The closer to the Air Rave you are, the better.
** When I am at home ... I use my Wi-Fi connection on teh Tab instead of the Sprint data connection. **
I use wifi as well on the tab. I will try anything so I will give that a shot.......
Edit: tried this last night..woke up to an amber mobile light on the airave. I dont think this will ever get resolved.....