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  #1885 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: 1-16-11-Updated★SharkieROM v3.0★Generic\Sprint★23563\21916★Sense2019

A couple of days into it - so far, so good. Very nice Sharkie. Couple of easy ones:

1) I guess I am the minority - I installed Opera - like it better. It is set as default browser but whenever use the Internet Sense Tab link and use the favorites under the "launch browser", it launches IE. If I use the "launch browser" itself - it launches Opera fine. Are you seeing that with the UCWeb browser?

2) Remind me again - what is the difference between Sharkie 6.5 and 6.5.x ROM versions? 23563=6.5.x? Assume Sense versions are the same on both.

I will report back if I see anything else - all working great!
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