Thanks, this is what helped to resolve the issue. Within the TaskManger app that comes with NRG’s ROM, there is a “Net Stats” tab. After killing what I thought were all connection-producing applications, the two IP’s that were still listed as connected were:
Looking them up told me they belonged to Google and Akamai – not very helpful. I did look at one final app that Sashimi installs for me - BL_Group WeatherWidget V3. I use it on my lock-screen to give me a 5 day forecast. It’s quite nice actually. In looking in the code and saw it used Titanium Weather. I then looked in the TitaniumWeather.mscr and saw it checked for Internet access by hitting
Google and also to "get" the weather - – there are my two IP’s…
For some reason this program just leaks and leaks data(I've tired it on multiple ROM's). I am on a 1GB plan so it’s not a ton of data to have, but should be enough for twitter, facebook, mail, weather, RSS Reader. Now that it's been uninstalled, and not eating all my data, I'm running good. Thanks for the point int the right direction shaggylive!