Re: [Rom] Super-Z Enhanced (v4.0 01/17/11) Enhanced Its a bird , its a
Change log:
Super-Z Beta V4.2:
(i have decided to take this out of beta because i feel its now stable enough now)
1. fixed landscape widgets
2. fixed reboot on sd card mount
3. optimised system for speed and stability
4. ziggys new bfs kernel (#011511)
6. added button style notification power widgets
(may add old style as an addon if requested)
7. put in my Super-Z taskbar (gingerbread style but rebuilt)
8. removed throttle mod by default (is now a flashable addon)
9. music controls on lockscreen
Super-Z Beta V3.1:
1. uncapped data mod ( thanks for the tut yojoe600 )
2. Super-z boot animation
3. updated build prop
Super-Z Beta V3:
Note: still having issues when plugged into pc (working on a fix)
market issues fixed (updated apps to newest version)
few more speed tweaks
add new nexus s live wallpaper
added gingerbread power down animation
Super-Z Beta V2:
Wifi fixed
added apps:
google car home
removable apps:
astro file manager
dsp manager
google voice
spare parts
removed apps:
htc car panel
Last edited by wes342; 01-24-2011 at 05:24 PM.