Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Perhaps this is heresy in the making...
But why can't we break out each device? I guess that would leave some devices in the doldrums, but for the sake of progress... I dunno. Just my .02, I don't want progress to be slowed by anything, as I can see my RHOD quickly aging already!
Plus to me that would make for better support, on a per-device basis. Have a tree for each device, an autobuild for each device, and then improvements and testing only go towards that device. A lot less to worry about breaking as well in respect to committing code (I would think).
Ahh man i said the same thing then got a verbal abuse of epic proportions by the fellas. Looks like its a way to keep all devices up to date. If we start quickly moving Rhod then all the others would get left behind. This isnt good since some of the xdandroid guys have raphs. I will continue working on my nand kernel in the meantime.