Originally Posted by run_amuck
while your doing it,
i promise 1 last thing for today.
i am looking for the photos in the photo screensave thing (the tile)
can we change the location of those to pull forn the storage card, or even i can transfer my storage card photos to a device location,?
-edit, i learned myself, i foudn the location for them.... now do you know a rough size limit for jpeg's?
this sir, im telling you, you are f-ing awesome!
You will find the Pics in "\Program Files\HostV1.5\Pics"
Directly from the Host v1.5 txt
JPG, JPEG, BMP or PNG files.
Smaller files recommended (but not essential).
Too large image files may result in 'out of memory' exception.
Also updates for host v1.5 will be
You can also give ideas for updates and thank him! he's currently taking a break so go motivate him haha also WP7V2.0 is
NOT an update of this. looks way older