Originally Posted by youngblack
Can someone please post a ext4-format-nojournal-1.1.zip i been looking for it everywhere. Not exactly sure which ones to use but i want to try for experimental purposes. Running 2.9 right now so far it looks good but i keep looking for a reason to flash this no journaling mod and i can't seem to find one except where i read that it will preserve the life of your phone at the cost of some data loss... now my question is how much data loss are we talking about?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk while your mom was putting her clothes on.
If you are the kind of person who upgrades your phone every couple of years, I wouldn't worry about the decreased memory life issue from EXT4. Your Epic will still last at least the two years you have to wait for the next upgrade. Besides, by then you will probably be chomping at the bit to get whatever the newest, fastest phone is out there that makes the Epic look like a pocket calculator. As far as data loss goes, the risk is very low and has mostly to do with pulling the battery or your battery dying while you are in the middle of doing something.