Originally Posted by sarahfagan1465x
I have an idea.... You can post all your favorite/most useful apps for those of us out there who are just beginning! I would love to know what are your favorites, etc... =D>
Sarah- Have checked out this thread? Its a consolidated list of most of the most popular apps and where to get them from here.
Originally Posted by Success100
yeah i suffer from this "need2tweak" syndrome. I just got my 6800 back to normal after it locked me out, and then NO2Chem puts out a new version of his rom...here we go!
I get very bored quickly, and I am always looking for the newest hack, program, registry edit, all that crap..lol
I am exactly the same. I actually thought I had my phone exactly how I wanted it and then I found Ultimate Launch and it started all over again. I always seem to be just getting to really like something and then something I like even more pops up.