Originally Posted by cwzkevin
MUSICMAN, thanks for your work! It's great!
I have question and icon request:
1. for email, if I only ues windows live hotmail and Java app gmail, how do I use flomaker to manage it to open my hotmail inbox directly? I now changed the application link for the email to \Windows\WLMLauncher.exe which I can go to windows live where I still need one more click to my inbox.
Change the Param value to -service "
Whatever your hotmail account is named" obviously replacing the text in quotations with the actual name your hotmail account has within the mail program. But keep the quptation marks.
2. How to make prn icons? I asked b/c I want some icons, TV icon (The TV icon in IconPack1 is good, but just doesn't really look like TV. Maybe icons like MobiTV?), GMail icon, Tomtom icon. Thank you so much.
They are actually Brn (Bee-Are-Enn) files, and you can create them from a BMP (bitmap) using the BMPtoBRN Tool, which I have attached to this post.