Originally Posted by BlackberryMann
I completed the steps below.
1. BBSAK to backup the apps
2. DM to backup the data
3. Wipe with BBSAK
4. Load OS with BBSAK
5. Restore apps with BBSAK
6. Restore data with DM
In Options -> Device -> Application Management, the restored apps don't show up in the listing. They also don't show up in App World, they show as uninstalled. The apps show on the main screen and run fine, but I can't manage them App Management or App World unless I reinstall them. Is this normal with the "Restore Apps" feature?
This is the way our backup system works. You can uninstall individual apps with BBSAK. For best 3rd part restore, use the alx and restore with app loader while installing the new OS.
Originally Posted by fbuono10
Hello - have a Storm 9550 and used both desktop (XP) and laptop (W7-64) to backup my Storm. The app is hanging just after 100% progress is reached and freezes. Requires a kill through Task Manager. The backup looks complete but I only see backup.alx and not backup.jad. Is this a known issue?
How many apps do you have installed? I thought we fixed this bug in a previous edition.