Originally Posted by dja2k
For midNIGHT v2.9/EXT4/No Journal I did a restore starting from DK28 as follows:
1. Odin to stock DK28
2. Ran Clockwork Mod v3.0.0.5 from desktop.
3. Rebooted to CW3 using 3 key method and waited for conversion.
4. Cleaned Data\Cache\Dalvik x3
5. Flashed midNIGHT ROM v2.9 and rebooted
6. Then I used Quick Boot to get to CW2.5
7. Flashed ext4-format-nojournal-1.1.zip
8. Reflashed midNIGHT ROM v2.9 and rebooted
9. Used Quick Boot to CW2.5 and flashed theme.zip and others.
The No Journal instructions say to backup and then restore, but I didn't do it as I think that is to restore applications that were previously installed in another ROM, but I maybe wrong. Still it worked!
hell no, not for a mod that imo does nothing to my phone. nothing i can see.