Originally Posted by byrdtatums
Just an update from earlier. Went back to the stick kernel that was linked a couple pages back and my battery life is much better now. I'm going on 14 hrs now and still have about 40% of my battery left and that was with pretty heavy use in the afternoon. I do have the extended battery as an fyi as well.
Hey welcome to PPCG! ... just as a heads up for others, make sure you always qualify your battery talk with the fact that you have the extended battery like you did when posting ... I have had both on this rom for a while and there is a HUGE difference b/t the two and if you forget to qualify that it will throw ppl way off with the kind of results we get with the extended.
Originally Posted by OMJ
Thx for the battery info Vancer....I like it when u guys bring info back from your research.....I definitely dont have the time to invest.....
Np buddy! ... just following the lead you set by example... give freely when you can to the community!
Originally Posted by OMJ
RE: battery life.....
so usually after 13-14 hrs I am still at 60 - 70%....now knowing the battery charger shuts off once @ 100% & the rest of the night it's basically running on battery, explains why the battery drops 10% so fast. so if I had that 10%, ending the day @ 70 - 80% is not bad at all.
From following the early progress of ms79723's thread... the code in the stock kernel actually charges it to 100% like you said but then it turns off charging completely and lets it run on battery (rather than trickle) until it hits 90%. Then it starts charging again (at a slower and variable rates than initial plug in) until it hits 100% again. It's does this 90 to 100% thing all night, so when you take it off in the morning the batt could be anywhere b/t 90-100 even though it will initially show 100% when you pull it offthe charger, but drop quickly. HTC does this b/c it is supposedly hard on Li-Po's to be kept at 100% for prolonged periods of time and decreases their life. So HTC wrote the code to show 100% when you pull it off to try to please/trick customers into thinking the batt was at 100% even though it is actually somewhere b/t 90 and 100 most likely (unless you happen to get lucky and hit the cycle just right). This is why it drops quicly and everyone posts different results any given day on how much it drops in the first 10-15 minutes to somewhere b/t 90-100. HTC knew that most ppl wouldn't know that this is what is "most healthy" for the life of the battery and would just squawk and complain about "my battery is not at 100% even when it's been on the charger all night!" so the best they could come up with is for it to show a "virtual" 100% off the charger but drop quickly to it's real charge.
Originally Posted by OMJ
This morning I tested it, took it off the charger earlier than normal, hit the web abit.....in no time I was @ 90%, put it back on the charger 45min b4 leaving.....it stayed @ 100% much longer, and after 1.5 hrs I was still @ 95%....so it's definitely better, and I'll be making this a habit every day.[
AKA... "bump charging". Works great due to the variable rate charging I mentioned. Since you pull it off and back on it thinks it is an initial charge and gives it some good juice quickly which charges up that remaining somewhere b/t 90 and 100% that you needed, depending on where the actual charge was when you took it off the first time in the morning.
This is basically what ms79723's SBC kernel does... he wrote the code to narrow the parameters of when the charging kicks back on and at what rates. Can't remember the exact numbers (and haven't kept up with the thread nearly as much since my 2600 ext batt) but I think it gets all the way down to just a fraction off of 4.2v and kicks back on a just a few ma of charging current to basically bump it all night very very close to 4.2v or 100%. So it never "bumps" it over 4.2v and it also keeps watch on the battery temp hence my previous post as to why I don't think it is a safety hazard. But unlike the HTC code, it keeps it right at full charge all night and therefore will decrease the life of the batt to some unknown degree and by some unknown amount of time?
So... the bump charging you are doing (and many many others) is basically the same concept that the SBC kernel does, it just does it for you and does it all night. Therefore, your batt will be kept at 100% for much less time and not as frequently since you are doing it once per day in the morning and the SBC kernel is doing it all night. Bump charging (IMO) will also decrease the life but not nearly as much as the SBC kernel due to frequency of "bumping"... but agian, who knows by how much and by how long???
"Authorities" (used loosely) state that it is much healthier to charge LiPo's frequently back to 100 throughout the day after some depletion rather than keeping it at 100 like trickle charging does and is why as of late the phone manufacturers have changed their batt code the way they have (instead of trickle charging like they used to).
Originally Posted by pokerpot
I have a suggestion for all of you regarding this charging thing.
I bought one of those plug in battery chargers on ebay for like 5 bucks when I got my touch pro 2(same battery as evo still runs like a champ 18 months later) and I got a spare battery. I've been using that charger ever since.
Every morning when I get up I take the battery out of the charger and pop it in and start the day with a full 100%. I never have to plug in to charge and I always start the day maxed out at 100% with zero effort. It's THE BEST way to make sure your phone is always fresh.
Sounds very similar to "bumping" and/or the SBC kernel to me... but who knows how the plug in charger is regulating the charging cycle or if at all?? ... good to hear that the batt is still performing well after 18 months of this!
... leads me to believe that a batt would last a pretty descent amount of time even with the SBC kernel
(although you are rotating two batteries and therefore increasing the life of them twofold)
***AGAIN*** ... I am no expert or authority on LiPo batteries... simply my opinions and perspectives from my research!! Hope it helps!