Some tweaks for the LG Fathom (disable powermobia w/ caveats, no boot snd/animation)
Now that we have a forum, I can finally put some tweaks that I figured out, rather frustratingly, after I spent many hours slaving over the registry and google.
APPLY TWEAKS AT YOUR OWN RISK, Please to backup, I've tried my best to isolate each tweak and have an undo option, but I'm relatively new to this and I'm not sure if there are any side effects when applied.
I made these tweaks as regs since I have no experience making cabs, but it'll be easiest to apply these using a registry editor of some sort. (resco?)
1. Disable powermobia arcsoft mms/sms
Makes me quite happy, but some caveats are that I don't have an MMS replacement so *****no picture/video messages,*******
But it should use winmo's threaded sms
I think apply the registry tweaks (UseWinmoSMSApp.reg, UseTMAILforSMS.reg) tweak (perhaps wait a minute or so for it to flush to the registry on the fs? just to be sure ) then soft reset. There should be an sms account available in the list of messaging accounts and the titanium message panel should open up the threaded poutlook for sms.
Just a note, I'm actually not sure if both those regs are required since I was just trying everything possible, but I'm thinking both would make it complete. Also, I had issues with powermobia being randomly called up again, and well I just completely replaced the executable so it wouldn't be(but hopefully those tweaks would prevent that)
Additionally, the startup programs has something that what I believe indirectly invokes powermobia (transport.exe) but i'm not sure so tweak #2, trim startup programs, might be necessary to complete this...
2. Trim Startup Programs
So... I tried to remove some programs which seemed unnecessary at startup:
"Launch130"="transport.exe" <-- might have to be removed to completely rid of powermobia
"Launch49"="StartUpAni_Delay.exe" <--Just sounds like it delays...
"Launch77"="LGFavoriteContactBack.exe" <---unnecessary LG contact app? that i don't use?
3. Disable bootup animation/sound (and potentially make your own)
I was a bit annoyed at not being able to mute the phone, especially when i need to restart it in a quiet setting.
I discovered that the animation and sound are probably resources in a dll:
startup animation and image(sound?):
\windows\StartUpAni_DMDO_000.dll <-resource has animation
I also found in the registry where boot items are listed and startupani is called so i tried removing it(I can't recall if this is really what disabled the animation for me but i made a tweak out of it, I might have just removed/renamed the dll) but try out RemoveStartUpAni.reg
4. Remove MobileIM and Visual Voice mail and CityID rules
Well if you don't use them:
5. Disable SMS sent message
self explanatory:
6. Enable GPS
Phone>soft key menu>options>CDmA servics>GPS> get settings.
Location on
Start>Settings>System>External Gps>Programs
Gps program port = com4
So for google maps for example, use com4, satellite lock may take 2 minutes or more
It would be nice to get quickgps working
Anymore tweaks would be appreciated like
Last edited by eatbuckshot; 01-16-2011 at 04:44 AM.