Originally Posted by fenton
there is always the oven.
I am sorry for your loss.
but its asinine to not have insurance on a $500 phone.
Keep telling yourself that, its because of people like you that the insurance companies can continue to make money.
I'm not saying insurance is not worth having, but I think calling it "asinine" is a far stretch. I did the math, and most people pay more than the amount the phone is worth in insurance by the time they replace it.
Only reason to get insurance is for peace of mind, or if you're the type who KNOWS you'll use it (I have a friend who replaced 5 moguls, everytime it got scuffed up he'd get a new one).
Personally, I don't have insurance. At this point, I can buy a replacement mogul on ebay for about as much as my insurance would be for the expected lifetime that I'd own this phone. What I'm trying to say is if I'm so scared of breaking it, I could buy a backup one and keep it "just in case". At least that way, should I NOT need it, I can sell the darned spare on ebay. You can't sell the insurance money you pissed away... just my 2 cents.