Originally Posted by orangekid
well they're selling 3G only WP7 phones on every network aren't they?
To answer that question I'll amend my earlier statement by saying, "Who in their right mind is going to sign a 20+ month contract for a WP7 device? <Start Sarcasm> I hope all
100 people are happy with their choice... <End Sarcasm>
The Verizon iPhone is such a downgrade compared to AT&T's version, minus antenna design. I wonder if Verizon sales will be telling customers, simultaneous data and voice didn't make this iOS release but a future update is in the works...
Whoever stays with AT&T after all those supposed millions jump to Verizon will probably have significant throughput increases, then will sit back and watch Verizon's network crumble after they get slammed like AT&T did a few years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like AT&T or Steve "The Douche" Jobs either, I'm just calling it as I see it. The iPhone on AT&T is superior in round 1 with Verizon, maybe the playing field will level out in round 2, but I wouldn't commit to 20+ months with Verizon's version if I were to get an iPhone.