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Old 01-11-2011, 02:18 PM
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)


Kudos on the 1/3 ROM. Flashed it on the 4th and yesterday I unplugged at 11AM and ran errands and such with several calls/texts and 3 emails checking on 15min intervals and at 6PM last night, in my class I teach had to use my phone as a WiFi spot for 6 students installing Win7/Ubuntu 10.10 on laptops with internet access for all. The class needed first run upgrades plus following the step-by-step 45 step instructions needed for the courses "hands-on" day and didnt even get a low battery alert until 10PM and still had enough juice to keep the phone running until I got home at midnight (class ends at 11PM)

Great job Vin

Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then

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