Originally Posted by jonlee83
Hey guys,
Just an FYI. I have installed and tried 9 kernels over the weekend and this one I found to be the best.
I am currently using Azrael 3.1, Setcpu @ 1152, JD, and the circle battery mod on hardware version 0004 (just got the phone about a month ago).
I tried
-netarch toastmod cfs havs universal signed
-netarchy toastmod 4.3 cfs havs more sbc universal signed
-netarchy toastmod 4.2.1 bfs bfq havs more smartass universal signed
-netarchy toastmod 4.2.1 cfs bfq havs less smartass universal signed
-netarchy toastmod 4.2.1 cfs bfq havs more smartass universal signed
-netarchy toastmod 4.3 cfs havs less sbc universal signed
-kingxkernel evo 11- flashable
-netarchy toastmod cfs- havs universal signed
An the winner is :
-netarchy toastmod 4.2.1 cfs bfq havs less smartass universal signed
All the roms averages about 400mA when the screen was on and idling and when running programs.
When I used "netarchy toastmod 4.2.1 cfs bfq havs less smartass universal signed" the rom was chilling. I averaged about 100-200mA. My phone was not draining battery life.
This is just a FYI but if anyone tries the kernel, please let me know if you experience the same thing.
Thanks for the analysis. Dumb question but does anyone know a place where I can find out what all these acronyms mean? CFS? bfq? havs? I want to try more kernals but always have trouble deciding which one.