Originally Posted by Curb71
I think might have "broke my wimax". I turned on 4G and had full 3 bars strong and after browsing the net for a bit I noticed the page would start to load and then completely stop loading. Tried restarting and other things and nothing would help. I just did a hard reset so I could get back online.
I DO use clockworkmod 2.6 and rom manager and titanium backup. It seems when I want to use 4G it only works for a few minutes then it's dead and I get weird Internet connectivity errors.
Is there a way to fix this besides unrooting my EVO and returning it to sprint? (I read somewhere that's what someone had to do)
What do I need to check out? What's my next step?
Edit : I just noticed when I turn on 4G it automatically turns off my data network (apn) and I can't turn it back on unless I turn off 4G.
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4G and 3G don't run at the same time, that is normal
... as far as 4G, did u have 3 bars of 4G when it dropped? 4G does still tend to be spotty in (many) places fyi ... not all it was hyped to be (IMO), personally I'm hoping Sprint switches to LTE unless they really ramp up the WiMax network
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