Originally Posted by djheir
Is it possible to do an IP Connection over the internet (not WIFI) using MyMobiler? I ask because if I open MyMobiler on the device, it shows the "Mobile IP" address and says "Not Connected". Then, if hit "Connect IP" on my pc and enter the "Mobile IP" address from my phone, it will try to connect but then close. If I open MyMobiler on my phone again, it now says "Connected" and lists a Desktop IP address. So it looks like somethings changed but it won't connect.
Sidenote: I tried to ping the mobile ip address from my pc and it timed out. Just curious if this is possible.
If you open a commpand prompt and do an arp /a this will show you recent IP addresses that your pc has talked to. I use MyMobiler and my ppc IP address comes up as (actually I can ping this address when active sync connects, even before MyMobiler is connected) I can ping my ppc just fine.
I do notice that some apps don't like to work while I am connected at work. My work has a pretty brutal firewall and blocks alot of sites..so I use my phone to get to what I want but still there are a few apps that won't work while I am docked, and the network monitor that I have on my pc also shows how much data my phone is transferring, which I thought was really odd...