Originally Posted by moebravo
Has anyone seen any issues where the screen turns pixelated with white pixels. My screen will freeze and the device will become unresponsive. Sometimes this is fixed by sliding keyboard into landscape mode and other times I have had to remove batter to get the system to come back into normal working mode. I have not installed any new cabs. I have the most recent version for verizon and I really enjoy using this rom. I just cannot afford to have it lock up on me like it has been. Can someone look into this issue? thank you
Nega has dropped several versions and multiple releases with several carriers---you need to be more specific on your issues and what you are running for someone to help. start with version and date, what carrier you are running (and if you used your own provisioning cab), list programs and reg edits you have done. lastly, state if the problem always happens when you do X, or is it random, or does it happen after a certain amount of time, or when you open a program, and what you have done to fix or alleviate the issue.
the pixilated "bleeding" screen is called SOD--the screen of death. many, many reason for it. including
conflicting programs - using cht2.0 and 16 program tab cab
OC too high
out of mem due to PP set wrong
bad flash
not Task 29 prior to flash
send some info and we'll try and help you out