Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?
@noir lol dude you're silly. Anyway as i stated earlier, i don't thing windows phone is doomed but i think that aside from nokia, microsoft is in the most trouble. Now i know i'm going to make alot of people mad. I also can't believe i'm thinking this myself, but i must be honest. I know we still have MWC and CTIA coming up. However it would seem that microsoft's os isn't fairing to well and it won't be changing anytime soon. After looking at ces and all the android phones/tablets and media devices being announced. I'm starting to doubt any of the carriers or hardware makers care too much about wp7. I mean first off, google/rim/apple and HP all have tablets either out or coming this year running their respective os'. That means less attention being paid (by hardware companies) to wp7. I know they have a few tablets with windows 7 but it doesnt have the same flexibility and marketability of a modified mobile os. The big reason would be apps of course. Wp7 honestly isn't even ready for mobile phones (lack of full landscape support,copy/paste) and since they wont let companies use custom ui's i think they lesson the potential of them making a phone or tablet. I know im not the only one that can see this happening. Everyone is supporting android and now with the tablet phenomenon, microsoft is even further behind the 8 ball. Another problem is no one is even trying to push windows phone. Sure, att has a commercial or two and im not even sure tmobile does. Now the dates of updates and cdma releases are getting even more confusing and on top of that verizon is about to get the iphone. Att's bread and butter is leaving (in a way) and what do they do? Announce killer android phones. That means verizon and att will focus on the iphone first and foremost and it looks like android will be second. Especially with verizon and their droid line.