Re: Full websites on froyo?
Yea, they are similar to typing "about:config" in opera as well. However I came across an issue. I set it to desktop and i am still being sent to mobile/wireless versions. I think the issue is in the "manual string". When i set it to the "manual" option it shows this string.. "Mozilla/5.0(macintosh;U;intel mac OS X 10_5_7;en-us)applewebkit/530.17(khtml,like Gecko)Version/4.0 safari/530.17...
now i remember back in opera land there was a way to edit this string to fool the website into thinking you were on a desktop. So I wonder if this 1 can be edited. Guess i'll try it to see what happens.
Well the string can be edited,now i just need to know what to type there. Anyone want to offer their desktop UA string from opera/skyfire/dolphin hd?
Last edited by meccadon123; 01-10-2011 at 02:26 AM.