Originally Posted by Maxx134
HTC has been at this longer so we should see better than this from them.
We will see how it pans out in March..
You will cry if you waste your upgrade now, but thats only my opinion
SOOOOO true about HTC.
I am still on a TP2 and hate MS and am on the verge of hating HTC.
But, I'm in a position where I have been putting off accepting a phone/plan from my company and paying my own bill for the last 4 months.
So, I am ready to give in a just pick a phone and plan.
That's why I'm between the Epic and Shift this week.
Plus, who really knows when a dual core slider will truly be available for purchase. Did anyone think it would take HTC this long to get a Android slider with 1Ghz performance and did you think HTC would stick it with a tiny 3.6" screen? I sure didn't.