Originally Posted by mwalt2
Yeah, it sounds like vin knows from experience  .
I don't see what the problem is with people knowing how to actually brick one of these htc phones. It's pretty simple. If phone is CDMA, you either 1) use gsm unlocker or 2) flash a gsm radio (or maybe a just radio from another device). The phone won't boot any further and it cannot be easily recovered.
There's a reason radios are not usually included in custom ROMs. People should know what can and cannot harm their phones (ie flashing a custom GSM ROM to your CDMA phone just results in a phone that reboots constantly, but it's far from bricked).
i agree people should be informed but this thread is not for that imo and you should know not to flash gsm when your on cdma and if you dont know that then maybe read more and dont flash but bottom line is this thread is not in good intentions. my opinion only or not?