Originally Posted by Mias_Daddy
Sorry for this in advance. I have gone through a lot of pages thus far and I cannot find what I am looking for. My phone dumped on me and I had to get a replacement. It had been so long since I have changed anything on my phone I can't remember why certain things are not working since I flashed to this ROM.
1. I can't send out or receive pic mail (MMS?) I am starting to remember that there is a fix for this, but have not come across one.
2. I can't connect to the internet on my phone. No idea why.
If you guys could help a "trying to be geek" out, I would appreciate it very much!
Use one of these cabs for MMS:
For Data, You might have to manually provision for your carrier from the Start Menu -> Settings. It is supposed to do it automatically but if at first boot there is a poor signal it will not.