Originally Posted by Hugo381
You change the pool size before flashing. Run the app and direct it to the .nbh file you will be using and set the page pool size you want from the "page pool" program and confim it and then flash the ROM and you will have that page pool size you wanted.
I personally dont know if you can change it after having flashed the ROM but I would like to know if there is a way to do it since I dont really feel like Re Flashing my phone cause Ive got it pretty much where I want it. Its a hassel to set all the settings where I want them and re install all my programs again.
i feel stupid posting this yet again, as i have posted nearly this identical message what seems like a thousand times but...here goes..
supposedly, you can change the pagepool using activesync, and it works almost instantaneously. i do not understand quite how it works though, and was never able to get it to work.
there are only a few sizes you can set it to using this tool, though im sure this could be altered fairly easily who knew their way around console programming/batch commands.
look here:
good luck and tell us if you get it working!! (my main problem is im not sure which rom version mine is, or if it is even a multi-device control)