Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Not to take any wind out of your sails, but a lot of devs aren't doing this for monetary benefit.
Now that doesn't mean they don't appreciate a donation, you just can't expect that giving someone $20 will guarantee that BT will work.
I guess the point of 'bounty' threads is the dev gets the money once it starts working? Now what stops people from just not donating once it is working?
IMHO, bounty threads are just not a good idea. I encourage people to donate, but don't expect any dev to feel obligated to you because you threw them $20. Perhaps this post is unnecessary, I just remember someone said they donated $100 to a dev, and 8 months later they got a new phone. So long as you don't have that attitude with donations, feel free to do your bounty thread 
I see your points but i felt like that was the best way i could help out the cause. I fully understand the devs wont and shouldn't feel obligated to do anything that they themselves are not comfortable or willing to do.
The money issue is also kind of an inherent problem with bounties. I have never actually partaken in a bounty myself but have read about people putting the money in an account or something to that effect so people cant pledge then run. Although that opens another whole can of worms.
Not to sound to selfish here but it was my attempt to steer a project the way i wanted it when i clearly lack the skills to do it any other way :P