Originally Posted by mmbond
I didn't. Maybe this weekend. I did install the old version of G-Alarm and that woke me up this morning! As long as I have a consistent alarm I'm happy, but I may play around with it by flashing Pluto. Thanks again Gizelle!
Well, we can start fresh this weekend.
Little additional information for all:
1. Simple issues can be solved with restart, Task29 and hardreset after RUU update.
2. Some applications and cabs don't go well with some builds and there are downloaded applications that will conflict with other applications that are designed on doing the same job.
3. I believe in flashdance, why? because when you previously downloaded a Rom from another source or sources, there are these little things that are left in the phone which has not been removed with task29.
4. The good thing bout Vin's updates are: He's updates are clean that you can even dine and still be clean. Which means that if you decide to simply try another update, you only have to do is Task29.
5. Conducting a Flashdance is doing everytthing again from start. This means a bad flash, bad download and coming from a previous update that's buggy, slow, choppy, etc...
6. Re download the RUU, do with mozilla preferably and start again. Take it from there and see what happens.