Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.414; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)
Originally Posted by teradog
Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Been running 29007 reference flawlessly for over a week. It's actually the most stable build I've run yet. Two things to do if you haven't: 1) Switch to a different start menu, 2) Install WiMoSpeed and follow the directions: [APP] WiMoSpeed: [2011-01-05] V1.03 - xda-developers..
OH YEA... Nate Mcnutty
Great work on your NAND thread & congrats on it being made sticky!
Kinda ironically cracks me up you're posting here :>)) (nand natively boots Droid... no windows ROM build right? :>))
You've done some great work with great posts, thanks for contributing.
Also, CONGRATS, you are now a VIP, you earned it.
Thanks man. I use NRG's ROMs during the day because I need Bluetooth for work. I'm a SysAdmin and do a little driving, and we are required to use headsets which means no NAND during the day.
I'm pretty sure at this rate my NAND will wear out before my 2 years are up, lol. Also, thanks on the VIP! What does that do other than show me as a VIP?