Originally Posted by 0pen
Ok I tried it and it works.
I have attached the file need below.
extract the folder and there are two files inside.
Take those two files and copy them to your windows dir. on your mogul.
Soft reset.
after the soft reset go to setting - system and you will see an icon for FileDialogChanger v1.66 wm2005 click it and check to box and exit,
now when u go to nueMMS and go to attach pic from file you WILL SEE actual folders instead of folder names. In the bottom left corner you might see an up button (i didnt) but i clickED the botom left corner and bam! i was in business.
I installed these files on my "Touch". Works great. Awesome find!! Now when I click on file in the NueMMS program, it shows me folders. In the bottom left corner, there is nothing there to click on visably. But when when I click on the bottom left, it does go up a directory. Awesome!!