Originally Posted by powinmo
Nice write up on your TP2 guide as one option for some folks to follow because you've tweaked/tested your process very well.
I've been running:
Energy.RHODCDMA.29007.Sense2.5.Cookie.Dec.27.7z (and the Sencity one as well)
... on a few TP2s since it came out (myself and few of my "users"). So far no major issues short of some rare screen update glitches which may/not be from the GWES optimizations on these recent series of ROMs.
As for the folks with these "major" usability issues under 29007... the fact that users like teradog, ninjaduck, etc have not seen the "freezes", etc makes you wonder. Especially when they do not even bother to list what ROM(s) they tried and/or the circumstances.
I'd say 29007 is a fairly decent one to recommended so far. Though one of NRGZ28's prior twitter posts infered he started to experience otherwise, but who knows.
Yea.. Listing problems w/o ROM version, what startmenu or Cookie, ROM flavor (GTX, Sensity, etc..) sense/home/today replacement is a bit irritating... Kinda like the tethering discussion the other day... wifi router vs tethering...
I moved wifey to 29005 from a June ROM! (Cookie 2 regular flavor, but running mskips win7 SPB theme with IPT checked in settings/home.. SOLID, I wouldn't move her if it wasn't solid... as my ear would hurt way toooooo much. I did run Cookie 2 for a couple days, built from scratch, perfect... but again, uses too much RAM for me.
Sure would have liked to see the 2168x series included in that next ROM poll! Not sure which I like better!
I'm blaming Any/ALL Energy ROM errors on Cookie 2, since I switched to SPB, I don't even know what a ROM issue is!!
Oh yea BTW, if you haven't seen it in the other thread
You are now a
VIP!! Congrats!
:>)) Another worthy member pushed up & over..
(would hit you up with a couple more also powinmo but am out for the day... :>)) love your content, keep up the good work
*edit 2* hehe, they gave me at least one more... gotta get you on the board powinmo..