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Old 01-05-2011, 05:46 PM
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Re: midNIGHT ROM v2.6 CW3 Friendly and EXT4 Support 1/5/11

Originally Posted by celsius0010 View Post
Thanks for all of the work! I have a few questions.

1) Does this rom have the Data Governor built in? If not how can it be added? I saw a post on the XDA midNIGHT thread saying you can quick boot into the old recovery to install zips, is this true? He said he used the old Swype.. I was under the impression NO old zips work if you upgrade to CW3..

2) same for Hulu..

3) What are your thoughts of the jornaling off mod? It is supposed to give EXT4 a 15% boost, at the increase of data loss.

4) Whats the best way to backup data and apps coming from an older midNIGHT before EXT4? Titanium, mybackup, sprite, or thru recovery?

I have been all over the net over the past 3 days to try and get the best understanding of these new upgrades. Thanks to all who assist, Im sure others will have similar questions.
1) i dont think theres a data gov. cooked in, almost positive but i have been wrong before.swype will now work with apk thats edited above but other zips for themes ect. wont yet.
2) no idea but it wont if it even will till zip is edited.
3) i bet op is looking into it but i herd its not exactly 100% yet
4) all 3 worked i tried but sprite i didnt try.

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 01-05-2011 at 05:53 PM.
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