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Old 01-05-2011, 01:13 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
and so sad for you to be stuck with your non hardware accelerated gpu, no wonder you need higher specs and yet still get choppy scrolling...
Umm..Android has hardware acceleration..Apps can enable it if they choose to..Firefox 4 and Opera are an example of apps that use hardware acceleration

How many phones are running hummingbird processors that don't have samsung on the back??? I haven't seen one.
Meizu M9? iphone 4(kinda)

MS chose to take an established processor and hardware accelerate it. Can't complain about that. If there are no new phones with updated processors by next xmas, then you can come back and say I told you so, but until then...
Samsung is an established processor company, they made processors for pretty much all the iphones and many other phones...

As for updating the hardware by next COMPLETELY missed the point..I am saying the minimum is going to hold the platform back because it is too low...(at least in gaming)

and no hardware acceleration for you!!!
Hardware acceleration exists on Android..sigh...

Now that new mitisubishi 92in dlp??? It's on my santa list already...
Is DLP even worth getting?

you really think that the galaxy s phones have better hardware than the iphone 4??? Why?
Galaxy S = 1ghz Hummingbird + SGX540
iPhone4 = 850mhz A4(cousin to the Hummingbird) + SGX535

See any reason?

then why don't the galaxy s phones have 1080p recording like the new lg?
Actually, the Hummingbird is capable of recording and playing 1080p..and it should be possible...BUT the default software/drivers installed are configured for 720p for both playing back and recording..1080p was already unlocked on the iphone I hear..just takes someone to unlock it for us :/

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
i would tell ex to use gps on his epic to find a mental hospital....wait...the great hummingbird can't get a correct gps fix...
Dr.8820..your not going to like this but..the Hummingbird unlike the snapdragon does not HAVE a GPS built in..Snapdragons are a multichip in 1..Hummingbird is a CPU and jsut that..our GPS is provided by..

*drum roll*

Qualcomm QSC6085 - yeah Qualcomm :/
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