Originally Posted by AZTECHKA
The spartian is like a retarded pet... Let him be... He's no bother.
I've been trying to find something cool coming out of CES in the form of a WP7 device... Nothing yet. The day is young though. It looks as though tablets are the stars of the show. Yet... I see nothing priced for the common mortal. Or anythign from Sprint! WTF? EVO Shift is what we get from Sprint?
Verizon has a butload of Android phones. Some with some very nice looking design lines and beeffy hardware to match.
not till thurs for wp7 news and tablet news
actually my eyes are still set on the hp 2740p convertible tablet not these flipping toys everyone goes gaga for.
Sprint...you know I don't think they were existent at this CES for much...not even the evo was announced then actually...
but to tide you over next month update does bring cdma support, some major bug fixes, and a few other things. Sadly as gTen corrected me, it is carrier based...which means not good...either that or we need some f/w leaks and now